Do Something for Nothing
713. Joshua Coombes
A hairdresser has become the inspiration behind a remarkable social movement encouraging thousands of people to carry out small acts of kindness.

Joshua Coombes is the driving force behind #DoSomethingForNothing, a social movement that has reached over 100 million people across the world and inspired thousands to support the communities they live in.
Joshua, a hairdresser by trade, began helping homeless people in 2015 by giving out free haircuts. Joined by his friends Matt and Dave, the trio began a remarkable digital campaign to encourage the public to carry out small acts of kindness and goodwill. Based on Instagram and Twitter, they highlight examples of kindness from across the world, bringing together diverse communities of people for good causes.
As a result of their efforts, Instagram organised a worldwide weekend of kindness on their network, taking place over the weekend of 25th and 26th March.
In a personal letter to Joshua, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
“Thanks to your hard work and inspirational example, the ‘Do Something For Nothing’ is capturing the imagination of thousands who are carrying out small acts of kindness as a result.”
Joshua said:
“It’s great to receive this kind of recognition for the work for the movement we have started. This isn’t about any one individual, but about us as a collective and listening to those who feel lost or unheard in society. Understanding is the root of all empathy and therefore the beginning of change.”