Children’s Liver Disease Foundation Fundraiser
1620. Ada Butterfield
Ada Butterfield, aged 5, from Leeds, was diagnosed with a rare liver disease at four weeks old, and has been completing a 20 mile running challenge with her mum Emma to fundraise for ‘Children’s Liver Disease Foundation’, and give back to the charity that has supported her and her family.

Ada was born with biliary atresia, meaning she will require medical treatment throughout her life, and may one day require a liver transplant. Ada’s parents Emma and Mick have previously run London Marathons, and Ada was inspired by them, and by the example of Captain Sir Tom Moore, to take part in a running challenge of her own. Ada and her family have now raised nearly £60,000 towards ‘Children’s Liver Disease Foundation’, and she has inspired hundreds of other people in her local area to carry out their own 20 mile running challenges.
In a personal letter to Ada, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“Your 20 mile running challenge is an amazing achievement. By inspiring over 200 local children to join you virtually, you have raised a fantastic sum for ‘Children’s Liver Disease Foundation’.
“On behalf of all the families your fundraising will help, thank you and congratulations on becoming the UK’s 1620th Point of Light!”
Emma, Ada’s Mum, said:
“We are so overwhelmed that Ada is being recognised for being so special. Mummy and Daddy think she’s very special, but it’s great to know others do too.”
Reacting to the award, Ada said:
“Oh my gosh, Mummy, is it from the real Boris? Does he know who I am?”