Welsh poetry heritage
140. Jeff Towns
A man from Swansea has volunteered for to promote the literary achievements of Dylan Thomas, Wales’ most famous 20th Century poet.

Jeff is Chairman of the Dylan Thomas Society, and owns a bookshop in the centre of Swansea. He is a Dylan Thomas superfan, and dedicates his spare time to preserving and enhancing Dylan Thomas’s reputation. During his chairmanship, Jeff has delivered hundreds of presentations and readings to groups all over the UK.
Since his chairmanship began in 2012, the Society has grown to a 170-strong international group. It meets with members who deliver readings and recitals, open events and give presentations and interviews.
Jeff has been instrumental in organising a “Dylathon” to celebrate a centenary of Dylan Thomas. This will take place on the 26 and 27 October during which all of Dylan Thomas’s poetry will be read over a 36 hour period in Swansea Theatre. Celebrities including Sir Ian McKellen, Michael Sheen and Katherine Jenkins plus the Prince of Wales will be taking part in the event, reading some of his most famous works.
Prime Minister David Cameron said:
“It is of utmost importance that our best-known literary heroes are remembered and honoured for the amazing works they have written. Jeff’s role in keeping the words of Dylan Thomas alive is highly commendable, and I’m thrilled to present him with a Point of Light award.”