Wings of Healing
738. Onsy Louca
Dr Onsy Louca is a consultant gynaecologist from London who founded ‘Wings of Healing’ in 2012 to help improve women’s health in Africa.
The team has a particular emphasis on improving maternal mortality, while also screening for diabetes and high blood pressure. Dr Louca leads a team of qualified medical staff from the United Kingdom for trips to Ethiopia, up to three times a year. The team has treated over 10,000 individuals, with hundreds more being screened each year for conditions such as cervical cancer. Local doctors lead on the majority of the procedures, under Dr Louca’s supervision and guidance, and the team endeavour to teach the local staff new methods and donate new equipment where appropriate.
In a personal letter to Onsy, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
“Through ‘Wings of Healing’, you are changing the lives of tens of thousands of women in Africa. You and your team are doing inspirational work in providing essential care to vulnerable women across the continent.”
Onsy said:
“It is a great honour to be awarded a Points of Light Award. I am very grateful to the Prime Minister. I am sure this will shed some light on the work of Wings of Healing, a small charity with less than 1% admin charges that is dedicated to providing medical care to some of the neediest patients in Africa, as well as providing education and accommodation to homeless children.”