Wash Your Lyrics
1383. William Gibson
William Gibson, aged 17, from Northamptonshire, is the creator of ‘Wash Your Lyrics’, a website which pairs song lyrics with NHS hand-washing posters.

William’s innovative website has become a worldwide sensation, with 1 million users creating more than 4 million bespoke posters.
In a personal letter to William, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“I wanted to write personally to thank you for the ingenious way in which you are harnessing technology to communicate the vital importance of continuing to wash our hands.
“Wash Your Lyrics” has become an international phenomenon with a million people using your website to pair famous song lyrics with NHS posters.
“As we stay alert and control the virus, the millions of memorable and imaginative posters you have inspired are quite literally helping to save lives here in Britain and all around the world.”
William said:
“Thanks so much for the recognition Boris! Super surreal to see something I made in my bedroom on my computer that I use everyday go so far as to helping millions of people around the world—even typing that feels weird. Hopefully in the future I can make more silly spur-of-the-moment ideas into apps that help more people.”