Sunderland Royal Hospital Afternoon Tea
1384. Jessica Willey
Jessica Willey, aged 5, from Washington, has bought afternoon tea for over 200 staff at Sunderland Royal Hospital having fundraised by selling her beautiful handmade rainbow pictures locally.
Jessica has made hundreds of ‘rainbow of hope’ pictures, and decided that she could share these with her community in return for donations that could be used to help the wellbeing of her local NHS staff.
In a personal letter to Jessica, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“I heard about your beautiful rainbow pictures and the way you organised a special afternoon tea for the staff at Sunderland Royal Hospital.
“It was such a lovely way of saying thank you to the extraordinary men and women of our NHS who are doing so much to save lives in this fight against Coronavirus.
“So today I want to say thank you to you, by making you the UK’s 1384th Point of Light!”
Jessica’s mother Andrea said:
“Jessica was absolutely delighted when she won this award she said she is so happy to accept it and so pleased she has done something lovely to help people. She is so pleased Boris knows what she has done.”
Pictured below: Jessica’s afternoon tea, and NHS staff at Sunderland Royal Hospital enjoying some of the deliveries.