1403. Mohinder Dosanjh
Mohinder Dosanjh, from Hounslow, founded ‘Trinjan’ which tackles loneliness and mental health stigma by bringing together women from the South Asian community in weekly virtual calls, where they can share recipes, play traditional Indian parlour games and learn new skills.

Mohinder first set up the group in 2004, holding regular weekly and monthly events and get togethers to provide the opportunity for women from the South Asian community to socialise and learn new skills. During the Coronavirus pandemic, she has ensured all regular events have been moved online to keep members connected and continue caring for their wellbeing.
Mohinder’s award coincides with Loneliness Awareness Week, when people and organisations join together to talk about loneliness and raise awareness of the issue.
In a personal letter to Mohinder, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“As we mark Loneliness Awareness Week, I wanted to write to thank you for the wonderful way in which you are bringing together women from across our South Asian communities at this time.
“Your weekly online sessions are a brilliant way of ensuring the restrictions we have needed to defeat Coronavirus need not lead to growing loneliness or isolation.
“From sharing recipes and playing Indian parlour games to learning new skills, Trinjan has been a beacon of strength for everyone involved and it is an inspiring example of how communities across our country have rallied and united in our battle to defeat this Coronavirus.
“So on behalf of the whole country, thank you – and congratulations on becoming the UK’s 1403rd Point of Light!”
Mohinder said:
“I am delighted and overwhelmed to receive this award on behalf of ‘Trinjan’, in recognition of our work during Covid. ‘Trinjan’ was established over 16 years ago to connect women from under-represented communities across Hounslow, and to engage them in fundraising activities for local causes. We’ve continued to fundraise for the NHS during lockdown, and also kept our members connected with weekly video meetings where we share recipes, host gardening segments and lockdown tips, as well as planning innovative future charity events – including an upcoming virtual talent contest! I’m honoured to receive this award and share it with our amazing members, without whom ‘Trinjan’ would not exist.”
Pictured below: Mohinder (third from right) with members of ‘Trinjan’