Small Acts of Kindness
621. Lynne Misner
Lynne Misner set up ‘Small Acts of Kindness’ to tackle loneliness and isolation among older people in the cold winter months.

Her project distributes ‘Warm in Winter’ gift packs, to older people across Hertfordshire, providing warmth and comfort to 800 people in the region. The packs include a large blanket, thermal socks, hat, gloves and a mug containing tea, coffee, instant soup and hot chocolate.
Lynne is currently preparing to distribute ‘Celebrate Christmas’ bags containing an advent calendar and a selection of small individually wrapped gifts. Last year she reached 200 people over the Christmas period and this year Lynne hopes to distribute over 2,000 bags with the help of a team of volunteers from Tesco, Morrisons and Warner Bros. Studio.
Lynne’s award coincides with Giving Tuesday, encouraging people to give their time and make charitable donations. The Minister for Civil Society presented Lynne with her award during his visit to the area.
In a personal letter to Lynne, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
“Your gift bags are bringing warmth and comfort to older people across Hertfordshire during the winter months. Through ‘Small Acts of Kindness’ you are tackling loneliness and isolation by showing you care.”
Lynne said:
“I am honoured and humbled to have won a Point of Light award and share it with everyone who has helped make this project a reality. I will never cease to be moved and inspired by the difference that can be made to an older person’s life by a small act of kindness. My dream is that within five years Small Acts of Kindness projects will be able to reach every older person in the UK who needs them. Winning this award
makes that dream ever closer to happening – thank you.”