Running the World 196
1300. Nick Butter
Nick Butter, from Bristol, is the first man to complete a marathon distance in every country in the world, finishing his challenge at the end of 2019 after 23 months and raising over £180,000 for ‘Prostate Cancer UK’.

His challenge was inspired by his friend and Point of Light #887 Kevin Webber, a fellow ultra-running fundraiser with advanced prostate cancer (pictured with Nick below).
In a personal letter to Nick, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“I know you do this with no thought of praise or reward, but allow me to offer my own recognition of how your monumental worldwide marathon challenge, inspired by your friend and fellow Point of Light Kevin Webber, has raised over £100,000 in aid of ‘Prostate Cancer UK’.”
Nick said:
“I’m honoured to be recognised in such a prestigious way. Like with most things in life – it was very much a joint effort. I was simply the guy in the running shoes. Literally thousands of brilliant people made this possible. Running and sport serves many purposes besides sweating. I hope in some small way I have inspired others to follow their dreams, get checked for prostate cancer, and ultimately value our time and place on the planet. It’s often easy to forget we are living in the most healthy, most advanced, most happy times; and without ignoring the tragedies in our world, sometimes we should remember the great things we as a species have achieved. The world is unfathomably special. This award is another example of the positive in the world. Thank you.”