New Zealand
Commonwealth Point of Light 23. Diane Vivian
Diane Vivian, representing New Zealand, aged 67, founded the first support group for full-time grandparent caregivers in Auckland in 1999.

In 2001 Diane established the ‘Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust’ where she is their Founding Trustee. The Trust has supported over 6,000 full-time grandparent and extended family caregivers across New Zealand, including a helpline, caregiver training, and liaison with other community organisations.
The award for Diane will be presented on 5th March by Helen Smith, UK Deputy High Commissioner in New Zealand.
Diane said:
“Deeply, deeply humbled. This journey has never been about me at all, it always has and still is about what one can do for so many thousands who do not know where to turn with precious mokopuna and tamariki. To shine a light in unsheltered waters and move them into a calm harbour, has been my joy.”
Helen Smith, Deputy High Commissioner to New Zealand said:
“I was delighted to present Diane with her Point of Light award. She is a truly inspiring individual, and her work with ‘Grandparents Raising Grandchildren’ is making a real difference to the lives of many people around New Zealand.”