MS Society Northern Ireland
662. Siobhan Allister
A Fermanagh volunteer has dedicated her time to supporting people living with MS in Northern Ireland.

Siobhan Allister is a volunteer, campaigner and fundraiser for the charity MS Society. After being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2009, Siobhan experienced first-hand the incredible support and advice that the charity provides. She initially joined as a support volunteer helping newly diagnosed sufferers, before becoming a senior member of the Northern Ireland National Council, representing people affected by MS across the region. She has also fundraised £60,000 for charity and is a prolific campaigner, in particular fighting for the availability of MS services in rural communities.
In a personal letter to Siobhan, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
You have strived to help others with multiple sclerosis receive the same excellent support you benefitted from thanks to the MS Society. Your dedication is improving the advice and care available to people with MS across Northern Ireland.
Siobhan said:
Shortly after I was diagnosed with MS I took up volunteering and have been totally committed to fundraising as well as raising the profile of both MS as a condition and the MS Society ever since.
The news that I had won such a prestigious award came as a quite a shock to me and I feel truly honoured. Receiving awards such as this encourages not only me but other volunteers to devote their time towards improving the quality of life for other sufferers.
Michelle Mitchell, Chief Executive of the MS Society, said:
“I am delighted that Siobhan has received such a prestigious award which recognises her much valued role as a support volunteer for our Fermanagh Group, her contribution to raising awareness and her involvement in campaigning for better access to vital services for people with MS. I should like to offer Siobhan my sincere congratulations.”