Major Mick’s Tinboat Challenges
1970. Michael Stanley
Michael Stanley, aged 81, from Chichester, is a retired Army Major who has raised over £60,000 for charity through a series of challenges rowing his own home-made tin boat, the Tintanic, on waterways and coastal areas across the UK.
“Major Mick”, as he is known, was inspired during lockdown in 2020 to make a boat using corrugated iron, curtain hooks and hosepipe, and soon after completed a challenge rowing 100 miles along the Chichester canal, completing the challenge over several weeks in December 2020. Michael sold his first tinboat for charity but realised he wanted to continue undertaking more challenges. Having made a second version of his Tintanic boat, he has most recently been raising money to support Ukrainian refugees through ‘Children on the Edge’, a charity based in Romania and Moldova, and completed a rowing challenge along Regents Canal in London over the Platinum Jubilee Weekend (pictured above). Other charities he has supported include St Wilfred’s Hospice and Alzheimer’s Research UK.
Michael said:
“I am very surprised and honoured to be put forward for a Point of Light Award, this indeed makes me feel humble when I know that there are so many individuals doing good work in raising money for worthy causes. I am privileged to be able to raise money for ‘Children on the Edge’. The organisation is run by a group of young, enthusiastic and dedicated staff who I know will make the most of every pound I raise.”