Little Heroes Comics
1075. Aaron Rackley
Aaron Rackley, from Dover, is the creator of ‘Little Heroes Comics’, a charity that creates and distributes comic making kits to children in hospitals across the UK.

The charity began in March 2017 after Aaron wanted to give back to the hospital that helped him during his difficult time battling cancer in late 2013. He set up a fundraising page online with a target of £1000 with a plan to create 100 comic making kits. The support and the feedback from not just the medical field but also the comic book community was so great that Aaron decided to form the charity officially. He has since raised over £14,000 which has enabled him to create and send over 800 kits out to young patients in over 15 locations throughout the UK.
Aaron’s award coincides with Local Charities Day 2018, the annual day that celebrates the work local charities do to build thriving communities across the country.
In a personal letter to Aaron, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
“You know from your own experiences how difficult time in hospital can be and by creating ‘Little Heroes Comics’, you are bringing happiness to the days of young people in hospitals across the UK. You should feel incredibly proud of distributing hundreds of comic making kits to young patients so they can have a welcome distraction from the difficulties of hospital wards.”
Aaron said:
“When I started on this journey, the goal was simply to send kits, as a thank you, to the hospital that treated me for cancer. I knew how much I would have appreciated a kit like this when I was stuck in bed there! I didn’t expect the charity to grow into what it is today and I never would have expected to be rewarded for doing this. This charity is my life and I hope one day it will be my full-time occupation. There is no greater feeling than the joy we get seeing the impact the charity makes on the lives of these children.”