LGBTI Seychelles
Commonwealth Point of Light 81. Fabianna Bonne
Fabianna Bonne, representing Seychelles, is co-founder and chairperson of ‘LGBTI Sey’, the only NGO advocating for sexual orientation and gender identity rights in Seychelles.

Through education and advocacy, Fabianna helps to reduce stigma and promote understanding and respect, ensuring the inclusion and welfare of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and non-binary people in Seychellois society. After chairing numerous consultations with members of the public and Government, Fabianna’s vital campaigning contributed to the decriminalisation of male homosexuality in Seychelles in 2016. Fabianna is a former Chevening Scholar and studied human rights in the UK at the University of Essex.
The award for Fabianna Bonne was presented by Caron Röhsler, UK High Commissioner in Seychelles.
Caron Röhsler, UK High Commissioner in Seychelles, said:
“Fabianna richly deserves this recognition for her leadership and influence on the evolving debate on LGTBI+ rights in Seychelles. Seychelles decriminalising same sex relations in 2017 was a change for which the country deserves recognition. There are further steps to take, and more to do, before people of all sexualities and sexual orientations feel able to be open about, and proud of, who they really are. I hope this prestigious award is a source of encouragement to Fabianna, to members of ‘LGBTI Sey’, and serves as a signal to everyone that the Commonwealth is a diverse and welcoming community of nations.”
Fabianna Bonne said:
“I am extremely honoured to be receiving the Commonwealth Points of Light award. I am earnestly grateful for the recognition that my activism and advocacy for sexual orientation and gender identity rights is receiving. I share this award with other activists in the field especially the former and current team leading ‘LGBTI Sey’ whose support makes this honour even more meaningful. The Commonwealth Points of Light being awarded to me, a sexual orientation and gender identity rights activist, is of great significance, especially as this is an emerging issue in Seychelles that had in the past been taboo. It highlights to us that human rights and equality is an important value for the Commonwealth, and it also brings much encouragement to those of us fighting to tackle discrimination and promote tolerance, acceptance and human rights.
“I sincerely thank everyone who has supported me and ‘LGBTI Sey’ for helping me reach a stage where I can proudly hold up this award as a mark of my achievement, especially my mother who has been an unwavering source of strength and encouragement. This award strengthens my resolve to continue my activism and advocacy.”