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Jewish Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade

647. Edna Terret

A tireless volunteer has given four decades of service to a prestigious Jewish youth organisation.

Edna Terret has given 40 years of service to the ‘Jewish Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade’. Most recently as the Chief Staff Officer for 16 years she has coordinated the organisation’s dynamic team of over 300 volunteers located all across the UK, interviewing every returning volunteer and taking particular interest in supporting young people to take on leadership roles.

Previously Edna has organised summer camps for hundreds of young JLGB members, acted as a volunteer manager in a number of regional offices and served as the organisation’s National Welfare Officer.

Edna has worked tirelessly to help improve the lives of thousands of Jewish young people across the UK and, although she will continue as a trustee, is now standing down to enjoy her retirement with her 4 grandchildren. She received her award at a special thank you ceremony coinciding with the Jewish festival of Chanukah.

Prime Minister Theresa May said:

“I want to pay tribute to the 40 years in which you have dedicated yourself to improving the lives of thousands of Jewish young people through your work with the Jewish Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade. You should be enormously proud of the important contribution you have made to this tremendous organisation.”

Edna said:

“I am overwhelmed to receive a reward for doing a job that I have loved for so many years. My pleasure has been in seeing so many young people grow and develop into successful adults who have then in turn actively given back to the community.”

Neil Martin OBE, JLGB’s Chief Executive said:

Everyone at JLGB is thrilled for Edna and proud that her dedication and commitment has been so rightly recognised and rewarded. For over 40 years, Edna has given her all for JLGB and supported thousands of young people, students and adult volunteer leaders. As she stands down this month as JLGB’s most senior volunteer to pave way for the next generation, we will feel the impact of her leadership for generations to come.”

The daily Points of Light award recognises outstanding individual volunteers - people who are making a change in their community.

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