Warren Clark Golfing Dreams
1144. Warren Clark
Warren Clark, aged 18, from Hampshire, is a leading advocate for disability sport and has provided free golf taster sessions for over 5,000 disabled people through his charity ‘Warren Clark Golfing Dreams’.

Warren, who has autism, was inspired to create the charity based on his own love for golf, having volunteered at golfing clubs since the age of 11. Warren was determined to widen access and inclusion for other disabled people to take up the sport, which can often be prohibitively expensive for young disabled people to try. His charity, which receives funding from the National Lottery, is the only organisation in the UK providing free taster sessions in golf for disabled people and people with learning and development difficulties. Warren is also a Special Ambassador for the Special Olympic World Games, the world’s largest sports organisation for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, which starts in Abu Dhabi on this day.
In a personal letter to Warren, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
“The success of your foundation is testament to your passion for golf and your dedication to seeing more disabled people take up the sport. Through the free taster sessions you provide, you have enabled thousands of people to participate in golf and enjoy playing alongside others. I wish you the very best as you represent our country in this year’s Special Olympics.”
Warren said:
“I am thrilled and proud to be receiving this award and so pleased to receive it. Thanks so much, it’s very exciting at this time especially being at the World Games with Special Olympics, I hope to do well and will be giving my golf my everything, that’s all I can possibly do! I hope one day to meet the Prime Minister and thanks so much for the award, I feel very honoured.”