Transforming young lives
591. Dr George Teturswamy
George Teturswamy, a consultant anaesthetist from Blackburn, heads up the Northern Cleft Foundation.

The Northern Cleft Foundation comprises a volunteer team of 55 NHS surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses and volunteers who perform free corrective surgery for children born with cleft palates in India.
George has organised approximately 1500 operations over the last 15 years and has raised over £100,000 to meet the cost of the children’s travel and accommodation. The programme also sees the NHS doctors sharing their skills with local medics in order to raise standards of care.
In a personal letter to George, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
“By leading a volunteer team of NHS surgeons to perform free corrective surgery, you are transforming the lives of hundreds of children with cleft palate deformities in India. It is commendable that the organisation you head up, the Northern Cleft Foundation, ensures our expert NHS surgeons share their skills with local medical professionals during your visits.”
George said:
“I am very honoured to have been given this prestigious award. I would like to accept it on behalf of all the volunteers and partners in India who have always been dedicated and diligent in their service to Northern Cleft Foundation. The award is also a salute to everyone involved with the Foundation throughout the last sixteen years and we are grateful to be recognized.”
George’s MP, Nigel Evans said:
“George’s work for children with cleft palates in India is remarkable. He has changed many children’s lives for the better at absolutely no cost to them or their families. What is more, it is also empowering doctors in India to provide the best support to children who need corrective surgery in the future. He embodies the true spirit of charity and of selflessness. He is thoroughly deserving of a Point of Light volunteering award and I am glad that the Prime Minister is honouring him in this way.”