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The P3 Network

930. Tuvia Borok

Tuvia Borok, from London, established ‘The P3 Network’ to fill a gap in support available for professionals who happen to be LGBT and are parents or looking to become parents.

Tuvia Borok

Tuvia, a senior member of the legal department at Goldman Sachs, was inspired to establish the network by his own experiences as a single, gay father to his adopted son. ‘The P3 Network’ now works with all kinds of ‘non-traditional’ families including those led by grandparents, aunts and uncles and foster carers. It supports those having started their families through, or looking at options including, adoption, surrogacy, IUI and IVF, and even those living with HIV who are looking to become parents. To date, ‘The P3 Network’ have supported approximately 2,000 families and prospective families by providing information about parental leave and other rights, educating employers, and creating networking and mentoring opportunities. ‘P3’ works hard at breaking down heteronormative and biased stereotypes of family, and are looking to create a generally more inclusive community. Tuvia’s ambition is to create a society in which there is no need for organisations like ‘The P3 Network’ because the families it represents are not seen as “modern”, but instead as commonplace and relatively ordinary.

In a personal letter to Tuvia, Prime Minister Theresa May said:

“Through ‘P3’ you are providing a fantastic support network to thousands of LGBT and underrepresented parents. Your commitment to promoting diversity in organisations across the UK is having a great impact and I wish you every success as you grow the network.”

Tuvia said:

“My life is fuller and richer for being able to help role model, and be an advocate for change, for the British LGBT community. I cannot imagine a life without volunteering – it is a cornerstone of a strong community, and I am honoured to be recognised by the Prime Minister for the work of ‘The P3 Network’, work that couldn’t be achieved without the selfless support of many volunteers. This recognition is just as much for each one of them.

“Giving back, selfishly, for the betterment of others is a principle that was instilled in me by my mother from a very young age; it is one of the things I am most grateful to her for teaching me. I encourage all parents to do the same for their children – the benefits for the British community will be tenfold.”

Suki Sandhu, founder and CEO of ‘INvolve People’, the diversity and inclusion network, says:

“The work that Tuvia does for the LGBT+ community is inspiring and we are proud that it has been recognised by the Prime Minister. Tuvia plays a fundamental role in our ‘OUTstanding network’ to promote more diversity in UK workplaces. We know the importance of role modelling in creating more diverse companies, so we are grateful for the time Tuvia dedicates to inspiring younger generations to live their truest lives at work and rise through the ranks.”

See more about ‘The P3 Network’

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