Strongman Fundraiser
1824. Bill Hodgson
Bill Hodgson, from Fylde, has raised over £100,000 for local children's charities by undertaking gruelling physical challenges, including flipping a tyre for 24 hours and breaking a world record in the process.

Bill decided to undertake his challenges after the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, supporting local foodbanks and children’s charities, particularly around Christmas time by helping to fund Christmas presents for disadvantaged children, and supporting those with life-limiting conditions or terminal illnesses to enjoy happy memories over the festive period with their families. He has just finished his latest challenge, named ‘Santa’s Slog’, which involved pulling a 2.2-tonne truck for over 40 miles, with his next challenge being to flip a 30 stone tyre from Manchester to Kirkham, Lancashire.
In a personal letter to Bill, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“From tyre flipping for 24 hours straight to pulling a 2 tonne truck for 40 miles, your extraordinary endurance challenges have raised over £100,000 for children’s charities.
“By donating £40,000 worth of toy sacks to children across Lancashire, you have created a Christmas for children who might otherwise not have received gifts.”
Mark Menzies, Bill’s local MP for Fylde, said:
“Congratulations to Bill who is a deserving recipient of this award. I am pleased that his fundraising work here in Fylde and across Lancashire has been recognised and thank him for his incredible efforts.
“The money that Bill has raised to support good causes will make a real difference. His record-breaking efforts are most certainly worthy of such high praise.”
Bill said:
“What you need to know about me is that not only do I rise to a challenge, but I always exceed expectations. Never tell me I can’t do something – in fact no one should ever tell anyone they can’t do anything.
“To be able to assist or help those who can’t, and to give to those who are struggling is what I set out to do. Life’s hard.
“My biggest inspiration was my mum, she battled adverse health but still remained positive always. It hurts that physically she is not here to be part of my life anymore, but she is with me in everything I do and hope I am making her proud. Family is everything to me, and that’s what I have with my immediate family and what, I know now, is my extended family of friends who all support each other – and will continue to help others where needed. I just hope when people say, be nice to each other, it keeps on happening.”