Say Yes More
1288. Dave Cornthwaite
Dave Cornthwaite, from London, inspires a global community of over 15,000 people, known as YesTribers, to create fun experiences outdoors while fundraising over £1 million for good causes.

Since 2015, Dave’s ‘Say Yes More’ movement has held over 300 events, including running an annual festival, and created an off-grid base in Sussex for people to connect and hold workshops for planning their own adventures.
In a personal letter to Dave, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“I know you do this with no thought of praise or reward, but allow me to offer my own recognition of how you have inspired thousands of people at home and around the world to get outdoors, think positively and take on new adventures – all while raising a phenomenal amount of money for good causes.”
Dave said:
“I’m really delighted to receive this award for The YesTribe on behalf of our ever growing team of volunteers. At heart SayYesMore is an addictive little motto that drives the most optimistic of our daily decisions, and developing positive habits tends to make life brighter. Adventures of all shapes and sizes often help nudge us towards finding out what we’re really capable of, and it’s so much easier to believe in yourself when you’re surrounded by other supportive yes people. Our ethos is pretty simple: have fun, get outside, give as much as you take, and the world will be a much better place.”