Room to Reward
741. Nicolas Roach
Nicolas Roach, from Christchurch, is the founder and Chair of Trustees for 'Room to Reward'.

The charity rewards unsung volunteers and charity workers (‘hidden heroes’) with free stays in hotels, working with a network of hospitality partners. ‘Room to Reward’ accepts nominations from charities to recognise individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to their cause. Working with charities such as ‘MacMillan Caring’ and ‘Mencap’, awards have been made to 110 ‘hidden heroes’ from over 70 charities, including a volunteer who has dedicated 27 years to his local lifeboat and a volunteer who has provided over 5,000 free meals to children in the school holidays.
In a personal letter to Nicolas, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
“Through ‘Room to Reward’, you are also recognising the unsung volunteers across the UK who are making exceptional commitments to charities. Your innovative idea is helping to reward their hard work, while providing them with fond memories they will treasure for years to come.”
Nicolas said:
“To receive this award is an honour and it is gratefully accepted on behalf of all of the team at ‘Room to Reward’. ‘Room to Reward’ is the Hospitality Industry responding by joining hands in a coordinated way and providing breaks to those who most deserve it. We are recognising those individuals who give so much when caring for others but often go unnoticed. Thank you to all the hotel partners who are supporting the mission of turning an unsold room into something of huge value to our society.”