Prize-winning Sheep Fundraiser
1310. Roger Reynolds
Roger Reynolds, from Kingston Upon Thames, has capitalised on the fame of his prize-winning sheep Amy to inspire people across London to donate over £70,000 for Royal Marsden Hospital and St Guy’s Hospital whilst also teaching children about animal welfare at city farms and community events.

Roger, who runs Kingston City Farm, rescued Amy from an abattoir at birth in 2009, and se has since gained a celebrity profile, featuring on TV and in local theatre. After capturing the hearts of the public, Roger wanted to use Amy’s profile for good causes and support local hospitals in London. As well as fundraising, Amy is a mascot for St Guy’s Hospital in Tooting, where she regularly visits patients on the wards to improve their wellbeing.
In a personal letter to Roger, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“I know you do this with no thought of praise or reward, but allow me to offer my own recognition of how you and Amy have raised thousands of pounds for hospitals in London and supported patients with your therapeutic visits.”
Picture credit: SW Londoner