Mini Mo Bros
623. William Heath
William Heath lost his grandfather to testicular, pancreatic and prostate cancer when he was 12.

Determined that not yet being able to grow his own moustache wouldn’t stand in the way of fundraising for the Movember Foundation, William dressed up as different moustachioed characters every day of the campaign, complete with an impressive array of fake ‘mo’s.
Reaching out to hundreds of young people in preschools, sports clubs and scout groups, William has recruited an army of ‘Mini Mo Bros and Sistas’ to raise awareness and over £25,000 to date. He encourages each of them to take pictures of themselves in a moustache and upload them to social media with a donation.
William’s award comes at the culmination of this year’s Movember campaign which has seen thousands of moustaches grown, physical challenges completed and events hosted, raising millions of pounds. With the money raised to date, the Foundation has funded over 1,200 game-changing programmes in prostate cancer, testicular cancer and suicide prevention around the world, whilst positively challenging the way in which men’s health issues are researched and addressed.
Northampton Saints rugby club has supported Will’s campaign since his fundraising began. This year the Saints and the Mini Mo Bros held a ‘Shave Down’ at Franklin’s Gardens ground to kick off Movember, priming men for their November ‘mo growing. The Mini Mo Bros have helped the Saints’ Movember team raise £10,000 this year – the Mini Mo Bros having pulled in half that amount – and the club is top of the Aviva Premiership network and ninth in the country overall at the time of writing.
Prime Minister Theresa May said:
“Your army of ‘Mini Mo Bros and Sistas’ are changing the face of men’s health by making an important contribution to the Movember campaign. You should be very proud of your fantastic efforts to raise awareness and funds which will ultimately save lives.”
William said:
“I’m really excited to win this award and be named as a Point of Light. It is an honour to be part of such an inspirational group of people. I would never have imagined that asking friends and family to support Movember in memory of my grandfather rather than give me cards or gifts for my 12th birthday would have been the start of this amazing journey. Three Movembers later and I feel like I am a part of the Movember Organisation, I hope that I have increased awareness of Men’s Health Issues within my community and amongst younger people. I hope that the money that I have raised will help towards creating a positive future for many people. It has been hard work but it has definitely been worth it.”
William’s local MP, Chris Heaton-Harris, said:
“Will is an inspirational young person. Motivated to support Movember in memory of his grandfather, he has dedicated so much of his time to using his creativity for a good cause. I’m so pleased he is being recognised with a Point of Light award by the Prime Minister.”
Paul Mitcheson, Regional Director Movember Foundation said:
“We’re absolutely thrilled to hear that William has been chosen for a Points of Light award, it’s a real achievement and a fantastic way for him to end his third Movember. We’ve watched and supported William over the past few years, and been so impressed by his dedication to men’s health, and his grandfather’s memory.
“William is a perfect ambassador for the Movember Foundation, and we love to hear stories about him representing us particularly to the younger generation, who are the next Mo Bros and Sistas of the world. If Mini Mo Bros like William continue to champion the cause, we can look forward to a brighter future for men’s health. William and his family and friends go above and beyond each year to raise funds and awareness for men’s health, to help men live happier, healthier, longer lives.”
Sian Haynes, head of community at Northampton Saints said:
“All of the Heath family have been friends of the Saints for many years, and we’ve been delighted to have had them to be so prominent in helping us stay ahead of the rest of the Aviva Premiership clubs in terms of our Movember fundraising. Will and his family have been real driving forces, and the amount of money that he’s raised has been astounding. He deserves all of the praise he’s been getting.”