Keep Mobile
904. Fred Rule
Fred Rule, from Wokingham, is the founder and chairman of ‘Keep Mobile,’ a community transport organisation that helps disabled and elderly people to live as independently as possible.

Fred set up the organisation 25 years ago, with the aim of tackling social isolation and loneliness. Since its inception, Fred has grown ‘Keep Mobile’s’ fully accessible fleet of vehicles to 42, which have cumulatively covered 13 million miles over the years. Fred and his drivers provide support for people living in the local community during their trips to the doctors or shops as well as day trips to the coast. The organisation celebrated its 25th anniversary in November 2017 with an event attended by the Prime Minister, Theresa May.
In a personal letter to Fred, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
“Since establishing ‘Keep Mobile’ 25 years ago, you have helped tackle social isolation and loneliness in your community by helping people to live as independently as possible. Having seen your fantastic work first hand last year, I know what a vital contribution you are making to those in need across Wokingham and Bracknell Forest.”
Fred said:
“I was taken back a bit hearing I was receiving an award. I have never got involved for recognition, only to see that disabled people lead as much of an independent life as possible. We are achieving that, and to hear that it is happening is the icing on the cake. I’m sure the added publicity that this will receive can only go to boosting people’s interest in helping our organisation – be it volunteers or members.”