Hospice Angels
2272. Mike Pullin
Mike Pullin BEM, aged 87, from Herefordshire, has raised over £700,000 for ‘St Michael’s Hospice’ over nearly three decades through his motorbiking group ‘Hospice Angels’.

Mike started fundraising 27 years ago, and has completed hundreds of different events including physical challenges, auctions and charity concerts. Having witnessed the work of ‘St Michael’s Hospice’ and seeing the difference a donation can make, he set up ‘Hospice Angels’ motorbiking group in 2003, to bring bike enthusiasts together, while raising money for the hospice.
The group raises money through collections, sponsorships and fundraising events, and have travelled across 19 different countries, with Mike documenting the trips, considering himself fortunate enough to meet so many generous people along the way. The ‘Hospice Angels’ also have regular bike ride outs, monthly socials and help marshal ‘St Michael’s Hospice’ events, as well as having given 190 talks to a variety of groups in Herefordshire, Radnorshire and Monmouthshire.
Mike also skydives for charity, completing one last year, and is determined to keep fundraising, particularly as five friends from his ‘Hospice Angels’ group have since become hospice patients themselves.
In a personal letter to Mike, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said:
“For almost three decades, you have been organising hundreds of fundraising events, with your most recent skydive coming just weeks before your 86th Birthday!
“Through Hospice Angels you have brought together like-minded bike enthusiasts and travelled across 19 different countries, inspiring people all over the world to give generously to a great cause.
“I know that St Michael’s Hospice has a special place in your heart, not least because of the care they have now provided to five of your fellow Hospice Angels. Your dedicated fundraising is not just helping the hospice to continue providing excellent care, it is an inspiration to us all.”
Congratulating Mike on his award, Sir Bill Wiggin, Mike’s local MP for North Herefordshire, said:
“Mike Pullin BEM’s work in raising money for ‘St Michael’s Hospice’ sets an outstanding example.
“His dedication and fearlessness shows how important ‘St Michael’s Hospice’ is to our community.
“The outstanding work and care delivered there makes us all very proud to be associated with St Michael’s and of course, amazing people like Mike.
“I am delighted that Mike’s dedication is being recognised through this nomination.”
Mike said:
“I feel quite humbled to receive the Points of Light Award but proud to accept it, especially as I represent all the amazingly generous people on my travels.
“For the last 20 odd years I have donated a considerable amount of my time in raising funds for ‘St. Michael’s Hospice’ where several of my close friends have experienced the exceptional care and dedication offered by the hospice.”
Find out more about ‘Hospice Angels’