Heritage Daily
2214. Mark Milligan
Mark Milligan, from Luton, is an archaeologist who built ‘Heritage Daily’ (also available in print), which publishes news and resources related to archaeology, anthropology, palaeoanthropology, geology, and palaeontology.
Wanting to share his passion and knowledge, Mark originally conceived ‘HeritageDaily’ as a blog in 2011, where he published scientific and global travel news through his voluntary editorial and journalistic work.
Mark’s site has since grown to become the largest of its kind in the UK, and reaches over 3.5 million users around the world every month. Mark works with a team of dedicated historians, archaeologists, writers, and researchers, who work to provide accurate, independent, and insightful content about our global heritage, which is all free to access.
Mark has personally written over 7,500 articles and is a full member of the Association of British Science Writers, the World Federation of Science Journalists.
‘HeritageDaily’ is also a sponsor of the Chiltern YAC, a branch of the Young Archaeologists’ Club, the only UK-wide club offering young people the opportunity to participate in real archaeology and discover why it matters.
In a personal letter to Mark, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said:
“Through Heritage Daily, you have built a news and education platform that has become one of the UK’s largest publishers on archaeology. With your team of historians, archaeologists, writers and researchers, you are creating and sharing free to access content with 3.5 million people every month.
“I know that you have personally written more than 7,500 articles. You are also helping people to discover more about the hidden heritage of London through your Uncovered London app.”
Congratulating Mark on his award, Sarah Owen, Mark’s local MP for Luton North, said:
“Huge congratulations to Mark Milligan on his Points of Light nomination, recognising outstanding commitment to open access expertise on history, heritage and archaeology.
“At a time when in-depth and thorough writing on specialist issues is becoming more difficult to access, the success of Heritage Daily as the UK’s largest free-to-read heritage and archaeology website is illustrative of Mark’s outstanding dedication to his area of expertise.
“Luton is very proud of his achievement in building such a widely read and successful publication, and I wish him all the best in taking Heritage Daily from strength to strength.”
Mark said:
“Receiving the Points of Light award is truly an honour, and I am humbled to be recognised by the Prime Minister among a list of such accomplished individuals.
“This award serves as a reminder of my responsibility to contribute positively to my field and continue promoting the work of British archaeologists to the world.”
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