The Great Fruit Adventure
723. Max MacGillivray
Max MacGillivray, from West Suffolk, set up ‘The Great Fruit Adventure’ to get children excited about eating fresh fruit and vegetables.

Max is passionate about educating children about the health benefits of eating fresh food. He recently completed an 18,000 kilometre motorbike journey through 18 European and African countries to visit almost 50 fresh produce farmers and inspiring 5,000 schoolchildren to track his journey from the UK and follow the story of where their fruit and vegetables come from.
Since his return to the UK, Max has been visiting schools to share footage of his trip and stories of the farmers he met.
He is also in the process of creating books for schools about fresh fruit’s journey from planting to plate.
In a personal letter to Max, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
“Through ‘The Great Fruit Adventure’, you are inspiring thousands of children to learn about the benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables, helping them to develop healthier attitudes to eating.”
Max said:
“I am truly honoured to receive the Points of Light award. Seeing the ongoing issue of childhood obesity in the UK and Internationally we knew we had to do something proactive to make a difference. Kids need to be educated in a fun and informed manner about making healthy eating choices and why they should eat more fantastic fresh produce. Without the support of the international fresh produce community and our great team, we would not have been able to complete the trip from London to Cape Town on motorbikes successfully and to have gained the awareness for our cause that we have done to date.
“But we have only just started on our mission! We have so much more to show and create and present to kids, their schools and their families about healthy eating and fresh produce. To have this endorsement from the Prime Minster is going to accelerate our healthy eating cause enormously. Thank you!”