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East Yorkshire Defibrillator Fundraiser

2311. Jordan Moor

Jordan Moor, from Yorkshire, has fundraised for defibrillators across East Yorkshire in memory of his stepfather who passed away suddenly.

Jordan’s stepfather had been a local doctor, and used a defibrillator to save a person outside his surgery. Jordan felt that a fitting way to help the community in his memory, was to campaign and raise money for defibrillators, with the aim of providing full defibrillator coverage across East Yorkshire. 

To date, Jordan has fundraised over £45,000, through pub quizzes, coffee mornings and auctions. He has placed over 20 life saving devices in rural communities across East Yorkshire and works closely with local MP Graham Stuart to improve access and survival rates in East Yorkshire from cardiac arrest.

Congratulating Jordan on his award, Graham Stuart, Jordan’s local MP for Beverley and Holderness, said:

Jordan is a truly inspirational young man and I am privileged to work with him as part of my CADEY (Community Access Defibrillators for East Yorkshire) campaign. I am very proud to see him recognised by the Prime Minister for his sterling work and I know his stepfather, Dr Alan Sykes, would have been very proud of him too.”

Jordan said:

“I am delighted to receive this award in memory of my stepfather Dr Alan Sykes. To date I have raised nearly £50,000 towards installing 21 defibrillators across Yorkshire to help save lives.”

The daily Points of Light award recognises outstanding individual volunteers - people who are making a change in their community.

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