1591. Jayne Hayes
Jayne Hayes, from Newport, is the founder of ‘DogLost’, the UK’s largest dog rescue community.

Jayne set up the service in 2003 after her own dog went missing and was recovered, and since then, the online community has grown to over 150,000 owners, who share information to help find lost or stolen pets. ‘DogLost’ is entirely volunteer-run and provides support completely free of charge, including offering a service to create posters for missing dogs, and delivering posters to all helpers registered within a 30 mile radius of where a dog has gone missing. To date, over 90,000 dogs have been found through the community.
In a personal letter to Jayne, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“Those of us who have dogs know how special a part of the family they are and how much joy and companionship they bring, especially at a time when many people feel isolated from loved ones.
“I can only imagine the anxiety and sadness to owners when they go missing. Your story of going through that and wanting to help others is so uplifting and I am astounded that you have managed to reunite over ninety thousand lost dogs with their owners.”
Jayne said:
“Thank you very much for the award which I accept on behalf of the 150,000 DogLost volunteers who work tirelessly to reunited dogs with their owners.”