Asian Leadership Collective
2264. Anna Chan
Anna Chan, from London, founded the ‘Asian Leadership Collective’ in 2020, to boost the career development of people from East and Southeast Asian backgrounds.
Through the ‘Asian Leadership Collective’, Anna provides resources and services, including events, professional directories, research and data collection and collaborations with business and social enterprises, to champion people from East and Southeast Asian communities in the workplace. Anna has created a space for discussion, learning and professional development that aims to encourage members of the East and Southeast Asian community to push through barriers for equal representation.
Anna also co-founded the ‘ESEAEats movement’, which began on social media, to champion the voices of the community and highlight East and Southeast Asian businesses. The ‘#ESEAEats’ hashtag has been used over 14,800 times and Anna has since expanded the movement to include sold-out in person events that bring the community together through conversations and food. As part of ‘ESEAEats’, Anna has launched a ‘What’s in your lunchbox’ initiative within schools across the UK to normalise different East and Southeast Asian foods from an early age.
This award coincides with the No10 Lunar New Year Reception.
In a personal letter to Anna, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said:
“Through the Asian Leadership Collective, you have built networks and leadership circles which are making a real difference in helping people with East and Southeast Asian backgrounds to achieve their full potential.
“Alongside this, I know you have been bringing communities together through a shared love of food. For example, the ‘What’s in your Lunchbox?‘ initiative is helping to teach schoolchildren about East and Southeast Asian foods and give them an appetite for trying new cuisines.
“Through your commitment and hard work, you have become a true role model for many across your community.”
Anna said:
“It is incredible to be the recipient of the UK’s 2264th Points of Light award. The recognition of this award highlights the dedication and importance of pro-bono/volunteering. Asian Leadership Collective is able to make the biggest impact in championing diverse leadership because of the passion and drive of the East Asian and Southeast Asian (ESEA) communities and friends who support our cause, from attending our annual in person events, to joining our core team, as well as sponsorships and donations.
“I am proud to be amongst the amazing role models and organisations who give back to their local communities with all their important work.”
Find out more about the ‘Asian Leadership Collective’