100 Acts of Kindness
1517. Sebbie Hall
Sebbie Hall, aged 17, from Lichfield, has completed hundreds of random acts of kindness every day in his community since the start of lockdown in March to raise money for disadvantaged and disabled young people.

Sebbie has learning and physical difficulties, and is driven by social friendships and human contact. Since lockdown forced his school to close, he decided to try and raise money for children who might be affected by loneliness and who don’t have devices with which they can keep in touch with their friends. Sebbie pledged to complete 100 acts of kindness in his community, in return for funds to help buy online communication devices such as tablets and interactive computer screens for young people. Donations from his fundraiser are also being used to help set up performance arts therapy groups in two areas for both face-to-face and online settings, which are ensuring an ongoing positive impact on the mental health of disadvantaged young people in the community. Sebbie has since completed hundreds of acts of kindness, which have included leaving change at his local laundrette, giving out biscuits to local police officers, helping neighbours with dog walking, and most recently, collecting waste pumpkins leftover from Halloween for foodbanks which have helped provide meals for 300 people.
In a personal letter to Sebbie, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“Thank you for your fantastic initiative to bring joy to the people of Tamworth.
“Your small acts of kindness make a huge difference by brightening up people’s days. You have also raised important funds to help young people stay connected during these difficult times.”
Pictured below: Sebbie with Staffordshire police, and passing over a cheque from his fundraiser to charity Chuckle Productions