924. Kim Chung
Kim Chung, from London, has overcome a harrowing start in life and now, at the age of 23, is one of the ‘Honeypot’ children’s charity’s most prized volunteers.

She dedicates hours every week to the smooth running of their head office in London, where a small team work to provide respite for young carers with residential breaks. ‘Honeypot’ are the Downing Street staff’s charity partner for 2018. Kim’s award coincided with a Number 10 reception to celebrate the charity’s work, and she was presented with her award by Education Secretary, Damian Hinds MP.
In a personal letter to Kim, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
“You should be enormously proud of the work you are doing with ‘Honeypot’. By giving up so much of your time to volunteer you are helping this important charity to provide much needed respite breaks and support for young carers.”