Foster Care and Adoption Leader
1947. Zach Gomm
Zach Gomm, from London, is a therapeutic parenting counsellor who has adopted 2 children and fostered 52, and given free support to thousands of families with adopted and fostered children to help them build stronger relationships.

Zach is a qualified counsellor with particular experience of parenting children with significant trauma and attachment difficulties, children who display challenging behaviour, as well children with a lack of social skills, learning difficulties and more. On top of his day job, he has been dedicated to supporting struggling families, particularly foster and adoptive parents, giving up evenings and weekends to running free sessions that help them through a range of challenges and how to bond with children.
Zach said:
“I have been fostering children for quite a few years when I and my colleague Denise Golding were introduced to Bryan Post’s Great Behaviour Breakdown, 12 years ago. This was not only a revelation but a complete paradigm shift in the way to care for children with trauma and complex needs. It changed my life completely and informed the way I raised and cared for my adopted children. Denise and I felt the importance to promote and share this wonderful model with as many adopters and foster parents and I have now been providing therapeutic parenting support to thousands of families across the UK and in Ireland and these last 12 years have proved to be extremely rewarding. Being the recipient of such a recognition is certainly an amazing and humbling experience for which I’m both grateful and honoured. If I could dedicate this award it would be to all the brave and loving parents and families that have opened their homes and hearts to so many children in need.”