Bowl for Ukraine Appeal
1913. Gabriel Clark
Gabriel Clark, aged 12, from Lancashire, has raised over £250,000 for Ukrainian children affected by the ongoing Russian invasion through his ‘Bowl for Ukraine appeal’.

Gabriel is a talented woodworker whose handcraft skills and creations have won him a following of over 225,000 people on social media. At the outbreak of the Russian invasion, Gabriel decided to create a bowl, which features two lines in yellow and blue to represent the country’s flag, to put up for raffle and help raise money to support children who have been caught up in the conflict. Just under 10,000 people entered, helping Gabriel to easily smash his initial £5,000 fundraising target, with all proceeds going towards international humanitarian aid organisation ‘Save the Children’.
In a personal letter to Gabriel, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“I have been lost in admiration by the way in which the British public has responded to the war in Ukraine and I was inspired to learn of your ‘Bowl for Ukraine’ appeal which has raised over £250,000 for ‘Save the Children’.
The beautiful bowls you have carved capture the generosity and spirit of the people who donated in their thousands.”
David Morris, MP for Morecambe and Lunesdale, said:
“This is very heart warming and Gabriel should be quite rightly awarded and recognised by the Prime Minister for his caring and creative initiative to help the children of Ukraine caught in the war by raising £250,000. He is a credit to our community.”
Gabriel said:
“I am so honoured to receive this award. I couldn’t have raised this amount of money without the help and support of so many others, particularly all those people who donated to the Save the Children Ukraine Appeal.
“I am truly humbled to know that together we were able to help so many children. This award is so special, I’ll treasure it forever. Thank you so much.”